The Future of The Friends?

The future of the Friends has been an agenda item at recent meetings of the committee. Many of you will know that the Friends of Pagham Harbour was established nearly forty years ago to provide physical and financial support to the management of the reserve. The number of Friends actively engaged in volunteer activities has declined in recent years and since the transfer of management from West Sussex County Council responsibility for the organisation and administration of volunteers has been assumed by the RSPB.

However, the Friends have continued to raise funds and offer financial support. But, for various reasons involving, for example, complications over landfill, insurance, and, most recently, Environment Agency flood prevention plans, the RSPB are unable to identify specific short-term projects for funding. Exceptions this year have been a grant of £300 in the form of a bursary to a university student and £2000 towards the resurfacing of the Church Norton car park. The question arises: What are we achieving as Trustees? The departure, without immediate replacement, of a ‘site manager’ only adds to the uncertainty.

These issues remain a constant source of frustration for the Trustees and matters will come to a head after the next AGM in October when the Trustees will have to elect a new Chair and a Treasurer. These will need to be new appointments as none of the present committee members are able to assume these roles. (The Chair is debarred by the constitution from holding office for more than three years and the Treasurer is merely acting in that post).  So far, there is no sign of a single candidate to serve as a Trustee.

Harbour Flyer attempts to keep you updated on developments at the reserve and invites you to take part in various events. We now seek your views on ‘The Future of the Friends’ and invite you to join the committee for an open discussion on Thursday 21 May at 6.30pm at the Visitors Centre. Further details will be published in the next edition of this newsletter. In the meantime, it would be helpful to hear whether you would be willing to attend the meeting and/or your views on the way forward.

The Trustees believe we should approach matters with an open mind.  Obvious options include to find sufficient new trustees to bring the total up to seven as required by the constitution, to ‘mothball’ the organisation until such time as it re-finds its role, to merge with a similar charity and/or wind the organisation up.

Many thanks,

Peter Driscoll (Chair, Friends of Pagham Harbour)    01243 641317

or via The Visitor Centre, Pagham Harbour Nature Reserve, Selsey Road, Sidlesham, Chichester  PO20 7NE

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